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Busan Station Complex

Location : Busan Korea
Year : October 2015
Program : Office, R&D Center, Gallery
Size : Total Floor Area  18000m2
Site Area   20000m2
Type  : International Competition

This is a redevelopment project at Busan Station Square in Korea.

『The Plans on The Hub of Creative Economy and Cultural and Artistical Square』 within Busan Station with the intention which revitalizes the original downtown through exchanging and spreading the environments of industry, culture, job, etc. from Busan Station as the starting point of Busan North port redevelopment project.


  • Plan on 『The Hub of Creative Economy』 which is affected to the industry of creative economy of IT, start-up, knowledge etc. by accumulating and integrating the activities of creative classes of young men, experts, intellectuals, etc.

  • Reflect the economic and public factors based on the understanding of regional circumstances and contexts.

  • Suggest the plan guideline to build the specialized identity for key areas through finding(inducing) each differentiated spatial factors which can maximize the regional and place values as well as complex functions.

  • Plan the cultural and artistical square represented and specialized Busan as the meeting and breathing place of culture, art, tourism, etc.

The facility is composed of 2 zones (Economy Zone & Art Zone) and promenades to connect them.

Economy Zone

Economy Zone places at left side from road to station.

This includes co-working space, venture firm cooperative office, start-up research center, technology center and meeting spaces to accelerate Busan economy.

Artist Zone

Artist Zone places at right side from road to station.

This includes artist studio, artist library, artist cafe, workshop to accelerate Busan culture.

Citizen can enjoy artist concerts, sports and events in front of public viewing on the exterior wall at square.

This project makes Busan develop internationally by creating hub of Creative Economy and Cultural and Artistical Square.

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